We have a "Bookmark Swap" in
Creative Korner this month.
I am sending to Ms Drue, my swap partner from Canada.
These are the bookmarks and some little gifts I put in the puffy envelope for Drue.
I made only 2 bookmarks for her--- the green flower and a heart. ( how did I chose GREEN" to make a flower!!sigh!~~)
Here are the bookmark patterns:
Flower bookmark --- Star Flower bookmark -Bigger and better
Heart BookmarkI bought this bookmark specially for Drue. It is made of wood and in the shape of "Sarung Kebaya" ,the national costume of Malaysian women.
If you would like to know more about this sarung kebaya:
KebayaSarung KebayaI just got the news from Drue that this puffy has arrived safely after 23 days and I am so glad that she likes it.