The puzzling popularity of Su Doku ! Su-doku puzzles (also spelt Sudoku) are 9x9 grids of numbers, subdivided into 3x3 blocks. When you begin a puzzle, some of the numbers are already filled in, and you have to fill in the blank squares using logic. You must fill the grid so that all the numbers 1-9 appear in each row, column and 3x3 box. However, no row, column or 3x3 box may have two of the same number.
Su-doku puzzles first appeared in New York in the late 1970's under the title "Number Place". They were introduced to Japan in 1984 where they were renamed to Su-doku (pronounced sue-do-koo; su = number, doku = single), so su-doku translates as "single number".
There are also many fascinating varients of Su-doku, of one which is "Killer" Su-doku, which combines elements of Kakuro. "Desktop Su-doku" is the only PC game which features Killer Su-doku puzzles, and Su-doku X
If you would like to search for more information, here they are.......
sudoku.comSo Duku TimesOnlineholiday So Duku 50 puzzles for the family.
BBC su-doku.netMark Huckvale - Su Doku PuzzlesDaily SuDoKuSoDuKu for KidslinksThat's all there is to it.
There's no math involved.
The grid has numbers, but
nothing has to add up to anything else.
You solve the puzzle with reasoning
and logic.
It's fun. It's challenging. It's addictive!
Solving time is typically
from 10 to 30 minutes,
depending on your skill and experience.
Please come back again for more SuDoKu puzzles everyday. You can find it in my "fun and games links" on the right sidebar in my blog.
thank you and enjoy!~~~ The Craze in Town!!